~I've always loved singing the round of "Amen" around a camp fire or at a worship service, and I remember coming back from Brazil and shocking my church families by responding to statements with a hearty, "Amen" like my Brazilian irmaos e irmas. When we really think about what "Amen" implies, it's an important acknowledgment of handing everything over to the will of God- the perfect ending for a prayer, really.
Judgment is God's
Obadiah 1-21 (New book!)
"The Lord's day of judging is coming soon to all the nations." (Obadiah 15)
In Obadiah, the Lord speaks out against Edom. Edom is busy passing judgment on Judah- laughing and rejoicing that Judah has been destroyed, taking their treasure in times of trouble. But, God says, "The same evil things you did to other people will happen to you; they will come back upon your own head" (15).
While I love the holidays, especially getting together with family and friends, there is sometimes an unfortunate "air" (and err") of judging that presents itself. People who don't see each other measure themselves up with regards to tons of things- kids, income, job, friends, health, age, etc. On this special day when the gift of Jesus was gift to ALL of us, we do well to remember that we are all brothers and sisters, with our differences yes, but only God will judge us justly and fairly... and we only are to love one another. "So be it."
Teaching is God's
Psalm 143:7-12
"Tell me in the morning about your love, because I trust you. Show me what I should do, because my prayers go up to you. Lord, save me from my enemies; I hide in you. Teach me to do what you want, because you are my God. Let your good Spirit lead me on level ground." (Psalm 143:8-10)
This is the one I am constantly praying for- God's guidance and teaching. Especially when I think I understand something completely, I am afraid that I might not quite know it. I might be missing something. I don't understand everything about the Lord, but the part that I do understand and know is so amazing, that I desire to know God more completely... to know God more every day. God, I so desire to do Your will for my life... please teach me what that is and where I might go. This is the way I choose to live- following Your lead... "Here I am, Lord." "So be it."
Praise is God's
Revelation 7:1-7
"All the angels were standing around the throne and the elders and the four living creatures. They bowed down on their faces before the throne and worshipped God, saying, 'Amen! Praise, glory, wisdom, thanks, honor, power, and strength belong to our God forever and ever. Amen!'" (Revelation 7:11-12)
The angels have the right idea... that I may be like these angels. I've recently been answering some reflective questions for my own personal benefit as well as a way to grow closer to my immediate family. One of the questions asked about my idea of the nature of God. Imagine... one question! That's worth over 1000 pages in and of itself. (In fact, I'm quite sure that even beyond the Bible, many books equivalent in length have been written on the topic.) God is everything! All praise and glory and wisdom and thanks and honor and power and strength are His! Amen! Praise be to You, Lord God... for ALL that You are! "So be it."
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