~One of my favorite memories is the Tri-County Chorus singing this anthem... "slumbers not nor sleep, he slumbers not nor sleeps." The comforting repetition of the soft verse affirmed the continuity of God's presence.
Watching Our Wrong Steps
Hosea 7:3-8:14
"But Israel has rejected what is good, so the enemy will chase them." (Hosea 8:3)
How many things God must see and think so foolish, just like "Israel's plans." I remember when I was still very young telling my little brother that, "You have to make choices like God is here, because He is." He hated when I said stuff like that... what an older sister to have to deal with! But God is here, and God is watching... our steps and our mis-steps.
Watching Wherever We Go
Psalm 139:7-12
"Where can I go to get away from your Spirit? Where can I run from you? If I go up to the heavens, you are there. If I lie down in the grave, you are there. If I rise with the sun in the east and settle in the west beyond the sea, even there you would guide me. With your right hand you would hold me. I could say, 'The darkness will hide me. Let the light around me turn into night.' But even the darkness is not dark to you. The night is as light as the day; darkness and light are the same to you." (Psalm 139:7-12)
If anyone has testing this, I certainly feel that I have. I've had more addresses than many people have in a lifetime! And every time I arrive in a new setting where I once again no nothing about the world or how things work, I praise the Lord for His constant presence. Thank you, Lord. And thank You for being here with us all right now... in the home stretch... we are weak and weary and exhausted and stressed, but still You are here in the midst of it all.
Watching Our Lives
2 John 1-13
"...I ask you that we love each other. And love means living the way God commanded us to live. As you have heard from the beginning, his command is this: Live a life of love." (2 John 5-6)
Just as I mentioned to my brother, God is watching the choices we make, watching our lives and the way that we live. And when we choose to live our lives for God, we must follow His command to live a life of love. Sounds simple... but we must look back at our example of true love- Jesus, who laid down his life for us. Lord, I don't know how to love that way, but please guide me as I try every day to follow your lead a little more closely. You watch me, and I watch You, through scripture, through teachers, through prayer, learning to live my life in love.
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