~At this wonderful time of year filled with visits to dearly loved family and friends, it's so wonderful to arrive at a house and hear the exclamation, "They're here!" Such was the case when we arrived at my cousins' house on Christmas Eve. What a beautiful feeling! They've been waiting in anticipation of my arrival just as much I have!!! May I only remember to express my anticipation and joy at the arrival of Jesus' birth, the gift of the Holy Spirit, and the promise of Christ's return. This time of year, I must go around the house proclaiming, "He's Here!"
Christ's Life Here
Zechariah 1:1-3:10
"'Shout and be glad, Jerusalem. I am coming, and I will live among you,' says the Lord." (Zechariah 2:10)
One of my favorite songs in Vacation Bible School was always, "Stand Up, Shout Out." Of course, it was a hit, because we were not only allowed but encouraged to shout when we sang/yelled "Shout Out!" Sometimes I agree that we should learn from children's vivacious spirit and exuberant energy- their excitement about the holidays and about Jesus' birthday. This is an exciting time of the year- Christ is here! Christ was born... took human form and lived among us! Shout Out!!!!
Holy Spirit Here
Psalm 147:12-20
"Jerusalem, praise the Lord; Jerusalem, praise your God. He makes your city gates strong and blesses your children inside. He brings peace to your country and fills you with the finest grain. He gives a command to the earth, and it quickly obeys him. He spreads the snow like wool and scatters the frost like ashes. He throws down hail like rocks. No one can stand the cold he sends. Then he gives a command, and it melts. He send the breeze, and the waters flow." (Psalm 147:12-18)
Jesus life here on earth is certainly something to shout about, but even more shout-worthy is the fact that the story doesn't end there! It's just the first book in a never-ending series of miracles and journeys and experiences with the Holy Spirit. God's Holy Spirit is alive and working in the world today. God's blessings and guidance are so evident in the world today. I need to constantly remind myself that I am God's servant... following the Holy Spirit's will for my life, especially when you're confronted with the ever popular "What next?" question. I may have my own plans, but I need to always follow God's plan for my life. After all the Lord is the center of my life... right here!
Christ's Return Here
Revelation 16:1-21
"Listen! I will come as a thief comes! Blessed are those who stay awake..." (Revelation 16:15)
Still, the fact that the Holy Spirit is guiding my life in my midst today is not the end of the story. Yet another sequel tells of Christ's return. So, we live out God's love and message for us waiting for that day and unknown hour when once again we can call... "He's Here!" Jesus, show me how to live faithful to you... awake in my heart, soul and mind... totally devoting my life to you.
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