Yes, "why?" seems to be that question that young children wander about saying for every little thing. Whether its the monsoon, the faucet the hummingbird outside, or even about the why their older brother can do something they can't... there's a why for everything. (Rather ironically, those are the types of questions we try to recapture in grad school.) But have you ever seen a parent (or ever been one) who is confronted with a list of questions that you can't answer and you just say, "Because... that's why" or perhaps, "I'm your father, that's why." I believe that this second answer can help us to understand some of the confusing "whys" that we might have about the Bible and about the Lord.
1 Why have you rejected us forever, O God?
Why does your anger smolder against the sheep of your pasture?
2 Remember the people you purchased of old,
the tribe of your inheritance, whom you redeemed—
Mount Zion, where you dwelt. (Psalm 74:1-2)
There are lots of whys in this world, especially for the Christian. There are whys about personal circumstances. Why did that happen to me? Why us? Why her? Why now? Why not some other time, place, person? And then there are 'whys' about the situation of the world in general. Why is there pain? Why is there suffering? Why is there hunger? Why is there need? Why?
And like Asaph, we often do cry out, "Why, Lord?" And that is right. Our Lord is a gentle and loving Father who wants to listen to His children just as our parents take time to listen to us. So we cry out to Him. But if we listen carefully, we might begin to feel a comfort, a peace. For very deep pains such as death or illness, it might take a while or it might be a small feeling at first, but hopefully with a community of constant prayer support, you will begin to feel a peace... not a happiness that suffering has happened, but perhaps remembering that God knows why or an acceptance that He is still in control.
Thank You for Knowing Why
1 We give thanks to you, O God,
we give thanks, for your Name is near;
men tell of your wonderful deeds.
2 You say, "I choose the appointed time;
it is I who judge uprightly. (Psalm 75:1-2)
6 At your rebuke, O God of Jacob,
both horse and chariot lie still.
7 You alone are to be feared.
Who can stand before you when you are angry?
8 From heaven you pronounced judgment,
and the land feared and was quiet- (Psalm 76:6-8)
Sometimes, like the Psalm says, it is all about the time. Or as the other verses say, maybe it is to show God's power above all things. But with this comes a danger. In Brazil, as in many other countries I believe, there are many who see suffering as a sign of spiritual evil. "There must be something wrong with you, so that's why God is doing this to you." This is unacceptable. Job is proof that it is not only the evil who suffer. Yet, we have hope... we have the eternal hope that God knows. Maybe it's meant for you in the future, maybe not. But we know that He knows why, and that should be enough.
After everything, I sometimes wonder why. Why couldn't Brad have been open with me from the beginning. Or why couldn't we come home from the wedding and been newlyweds without such a difficult in-law issue heavy on our hearts? Why couldn't we keep that excitement for longer as other couples do? While truly only God knows why, I wonder... and I can see many things that I have learned from this. I have been catapulted into the knowledge that you don't just marry a man, you marry his family... especially his parents. A line about the show "Everybody Loves Raymond says it this way, "Ray Barone is a father, a son and a husband. Too bad it's so hard to do all three at once." It's hard to even do two at once. And then I've learned what I book-learned in our pre-marital counseling sessions: marriage is not a 50/50 deal- you give your whole self for the other. And I've learned how challenging it is to have someone else have a say in all your decisions. Challenging, but it was a challenge that we were given on our wedding day... to live out the love between Christ and His church. That kind of love didn't come easy for Christ, nor would it for anyone else. Although painful, it is still beautiful.
Remembering That He Knows Why
19One of you will say to me: "Then why does God still blame us? For who resists his will?" 20But who are you, O man, to talk back to God? "Shall what is formed say to him who formed it, 'Why did you make me like this?' "[b] 21Does not the potter have the right to make out of the same lump of clay some pottery for noble purposes and some for common use? (Romans 9:19-21)
When sometimes we slip and start asking why again, like the Romans asked Paul, it's good to remember his words. Paul is getting frustrated at the two-year-old like Romans,and he says, "Come on, now! He made you!!! Take a hint. You don't have any business knowing why." Just like the child that is sometimes given the "just because" answer... or the "because I'm your father" answer, we learn to accept that He knows why... and that is enough. In fact, it is more than enough... from the one who has given us grace... which is more than enough for all of us.
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