This is what the LORD says—
your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel:
"I am the LORD your God,
who teaches you what is best for you,
who directs you in the way you should go. -Isaiah 48:17
Recently I have been praying a lot about where you want me, Father. So much more right now as the SLAT PhD program begins to look like a real possibility to me. When I met with Dr. Troike, my program director, the other day, he loved my research idea (interlanguage variation in young simultaneous L2 learners) and told me that to his knowledge no one has done such a study. And he once again told me that I would be an ideal candidate for the program, and he would already hear "PhD" after my name.
It makes me wonder. I'd love to do this, because I feel the chances of me doing a PhD at another point in my life (while not impossible) are slim. And I really am enjoying my coursework and my studies and learning a lot about this field. And the SLAT program opens you up to so many possibilities: academics (professor of many areas), language analyst, Bible translation, language planning, etc.
While this all sounds well and good, it's true what I said, some of the moments I've been the happiest were when I was involved in ministry of some kind. I've continuously sought out opportunities for service and ministry- during the summers, spring break trips, volunteer years, etc. And I guess another thing I think of is when Brad and I were talking in the car... he asked me if I would give up my career in order to work in ministry with him, I said an affirmative "yes" even faster than I thought possible. Honestly, that would be the easiest decision in my life... (besides perhaps the decision to marry this love of mine and attempt to be the best help for him that I could ever be).
But since that's not a real possibility right now, I can't let myself think of that as a real option... and honestly, I'm not sure I could be a pastor on my own- perhaps I just need to have more faith. Perhaps God will guide and teach me yet. Lord, I'm trusting in You, because I really do want to do Your will... it's all that I want. Continue to teach me and guide me.
Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life, to mind your own business and to work with your hands, just as we told you, 12so that your daily life may win the respect of outsiders and so that you will not be dependent on anybody. - 1 Thessalonians 4:11
Such a beautiful verse hidden in Thessalonians... I never noticed it before. And we wouldn't notice it, because it is so very countercultural and very curiously worded. Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life. It seems quite a contradictory statement until you recognize that aiming to lead a quiet life (or Brethren might say- a simple life) is so radical in today's society... that it takes ambition to do it!
And I wonder how this fits in with further studies or career goals or following Your leading for my life, oh God. I'm not sure right now, but I pray that You teach me more as I go about this day.
And thank You, Father, for so many good things.
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