I am persuaded that [nothing] shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. —Romans 8:38-39
Last night at GCF a panel of Christian faculty from the U of A graced us with their presence. They talked about the challenges and blessings of being a Christian in the academic setting. Some grad students really struggle with how to express their faith in their courses and their teaching... they fear judgment and rejection from a society that views this talk as 'crazy' and 'nonsensical' and 'unfounded.'
Luckily I don't confront too much of that in my setting... or perhaps I just don't care enough about what my professors care about that. But, the humanities seem to be an interesting area, though. You won't be attacked by your beliefs, because there is this broad sense of 'spiritual relativism,' that 'you're ok, I'm ok' philosophy that what works for you is good and what works for me is good. While there is tremendous respect for other's beliefs (a definite plus), people seldom feel challenged by the fact that I may hold other values and beliefs... which makes it hard to be a witness.
Even more confusing to people is that I don't fall into a nice category in their head. I'm a political liberal. I remember one comment last night was again about 'those liberals' that don't understand 'conservative Christians.' Why can't you be Christian and politically liberal... Jesus was one of the most radical activists that ever roamed the earth? He cared for and associated with the broadest range of people. I really appreciated (and still do!) my Juniata Spanish professor Henry, because in him I saw a faithful and involved Christian who was thoughtful in his consideration of scripture but also as far as political action. In fact, I've seen that a lot throughout my years. Perhaps that's why this isn't such a struggle for me. I know that academics and scripture combine quite well... even though it's not a common combination. Nothing, not even the pressure or judgment of those in the academic field can separate us from Him.
The LORD watches over the alien and sustains the fatherless and the widow, but he frustrates the ways of the wicked. -Psalm 146:8
It's not fun to be considered the alien, the foreigner. I know firsthand the challenges that come along with being so removed from home, sometimes feeling so alone. And sometimes it doesn't even need to be another country. This morning I consider this scripture as I think back to my first year here in Tucson- just last year. There were times when I thought I wasn't going to make it. I felt like no one was reaching out to me... I felt so alone. I learned that building community and friendships takes time, but remembering that experience has made me want to reach out to all of the new first years here in the U of A grad school. I remember how I was hit all at once with the pressures of grad school and a new place that I hardly knew anything about and I had no developed support system to vent to. Lord, just as you watch over those who are far from home, help me to do the same... guide me and let your love work through me.
For I am the least of the apostles and do not even deserve to be called an apostle, because I persecuted the church of God. But by the grace of God I am what I am, and his grace to me was not without effect. No, I worked harder than all of them—yet not I, but the grace of God that was with me. - 1 Corinthians 15: 9-10
Part of this is trying to work with GCF, and I am now in the position of a Bible study leader. I'm hoping that God may help me to call out other leaders within our group so that we may reach out to others. And I'm so blessed by the wonderful Bible Study group that I have... because I was quite nervous at leading a 'grad student' crowd who is trained to be critical and analytical and competitive. But there is such a wonderful spirit of kindness and warmth and love and respect in the group... that I just know we'll be able to talk about divergent beliefs and opinions and thoughts without coming into conflict... that is one of the lessons of Romans after all!
So just like Paul, I feel that I am so small, and it is only God's grace that is allowing me to lead this. Lord, may Your grace work in me. Let me become small so that You can show how big You are... take this bible study into Your hands, Lord... may it be a blessing to all the graduate students... may it be used for Your glory and honor and may Your work be done through it.
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