By Our Life
1 Kings 17:1-18:46
"'Now I know you are really a man from God,' the woman said to Elijah. 'I know that the Lord truly speaks through you.'" (1 Kings 17:22-24)
"I have followed the Lord since I was a boy. Haven't you been told what I did? When Jezebel was killing all the prophets, I hid a hundred of them, fifty in one cave and fifty in another. I brought them food and water." (1 Kings 18:13)
Now, I'm not suggesting that we're all going to bring a widow's son back to life or hide 100 prophets from peril (or in our day in age maybe missionaries, pastors, church members). But recently, I wish I were superman, flying high to stop terrible disasters like the AirFrance in the middle of the ocean or the 12-year-old raped in the alleyway or the person who took a gun onto the plane from Philly to AZ. (In fact, just yesterday my parents and I joked about heading to AZ for the day, so that one hit me particularly too close to home.) In the face of such problems, I feel so powerless... and perhaps I need to feel that powerlessness, to again truly embrace the fact that I am not in control, to give that control over to my Heavenly Father.
While in my daily life I probably won't be able to stop such horrors, I am confronted with choices right here where I am- someone who needs a place to stay, a cold cup of water, just someone to listen and really care. Lord, I pray that my life everday show that I am living it for You. Open me up to those opportunities to be Your light in the world. Let my life be a testimony to You.
By Our Praise
Psalm 69:29-36
"I will praise God in a song and will honor him by giving thanks. That will please the Lord more than offering him cattle, more than sacrificing a bull with horns and hoofs." (Psalm 69:30-31)
I am thanking and praising God for this time here with my family, a wonderful time at the older adult day at Camp Swatara yesterday, getting to talk to my brother, visiting with my friends and family while home, celebrating with Em and Adam, and so many other things. But I should never stop praising You, Lord. Every minute of every day I have so much to be thankful for... words of praise for You should be on my lips always. Let my praise be a testimony to You.
By Our Love
John 13:21-38
"I give you a new command: Love each other. You must love each other as I have loved you. All people will know that you are my followers if you love each other." (John 13:34-35)
I was also blessed this morning when I got the chance to visit with Mr. (Leo) and Mrs. (Pat) Scheuermann. I have been blessed by them since they came into my life so many years ago when I started working summers at Dot's Bakery. It must be at least 12 years now. I've watched their family grow, and I was trained by Mrs. Scheuermann herself to work in the front of the bakery, on July 4th nonetheless. I saw their family work together when the charming couple along with three of their kids (Jane, Marty, and Tom) were in the bakery in the morning.
The very first thing I noticed about Mr. and Mrs. Scheuermann was the beautiful love they had for each other and for their entire family, which I suppose is quite necessary with six kids. While I know it must have many challenges, they make it look so easy. And while kids and grandkids alone might seem to reach the love limit, it's not so for the Scheuermann's. Somehow their love seems to expand to all those they meet. There was something different about this incredible all-encompassing love that I saw in them... and I knew that they were followers of Jesus by the way they love 'each other' and by the way they love everyone. Lord, I'm so thankful for the blessing of this family in my life, and I pray that You teach me to love in this way. Let my love be a testimony to You.
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