Jeremiah 45:1-46:28
"'People of Jacob, my servants, do not be afraid, because I am with you,' says the Lord..." (Jeremiah 46:28)
Sometimes I wish God would still send messages ("This is what the Lord God says...") through someone. But even better than those messages is the beautiful message of Emmanuel- God with us. When we believe God's word, we carry that message within us. And I am a firm believer that God is still speaking today... perhaps we just don't take time in the quiet to listen. This morning I noticed a beautiful cactus by the Old Main building that resembles an angel. I wonder whether it is God, reminding me of His loving, guiding presence in my life.
Light of the World
Psalm 119:105-112
"Thy word is like a lamp unto my feet and a light for my path." (Psalm 119:105)
A Story: One of my first experiences with GCF was a retreat at a cabin quite removed from campus. We walked down the dirt path toward the cabin, and it soon fell dark. The newbies among us had no clue where we would find this place, yet the flashlights (when people agreed to use them) illuminated the trail... just enough to see a few steps in front of us. We had faith that one step at a time we would reach the others at the retreat.
Lord, may I have faith to know that your word leads me step by step. I don't need to know all of your plan for my life right now. I only need to read your word day by day and follow your path for my life step by step.
2 Timothy 3:1-4:8
"All Scripture is inspired by God, and is useful for teaching... Using the Scriptures, the person who serves God will be capable, having all that is needed to do every good work." (2 Timothy 3:16-17)
This first scripture is very well-known and often quoted. While I agree that it is very important, I believe the second (often neglected) verse is just as important. If our aim is to serve God, reading the words is not enough. We must reflect on the messages, the commands, the guidance therein and use them "for the glory of God and my neighbor's good" (Sauer Press).
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